Congratulations to our 2023-24 Boosters Board.
President: Kristyna Meyer
1st VP: Maggie Liuzzi DeMello
VP (Membership): Linda Pinkney
VP (Operations): Rayline Petitt
VP (Publicity and Communications): Steven Carpenter
Treasurer: Carol Montoya
Secretary: Annemarie McGavin
We still need help with various Special Projects and Committees – see below. Please reach out to if you’d like to get involved.
Concessions | Support VP Operations with a specific assignment by season (Fall, Winter, Spring): purchasing food/drinks and delivering to concessions, maintaining/monitoring the volunteer Sign Up Genius for volunteers, assuming opening responsibilities, or baking pre-game cookies. |
Spirit Wear | Obtain and sell Edison branded merchandise to students and staff during the year via the online store on website (WordPress using WooCommerce), maintaining inventory to sell in School Store weekly and at home football games. Prepare advertisements for social media/newsletter. |
Sponsorships | Coordinate Booster sponsorship program with local businesses. Includes soliciting new sponsors, contacting sponsors for renewals, communicating program benefits, maintaining sponsor registration form, coordinating banner design/printing and hanging banners. |
Bingo Night | Coordinate Bingo event for students and families each February, promoting team baskets, advertising,planning concessions and event volunteers and establishing registration (Winter Season) |
Fall Craft Fair | Coordinate October event to include advertising to obtain local and school vendors, obtaining volunteers for set-up, planning registration and concessions (Fall Season) |
Bricks | Advertise availability of bricks, download orders from Formsite, format and order through vendor (, arrange for installation of bricks (FW&D). (Spring Season) |
Tag Day | Coordinate March event to collect donations for athletic teams, includes planning logistics, advertising and promoting with coaches, students and parents and obtaining volunteers. (Winter/early Spring Season) |